What to choose: Microservice or Monolithic Software Architecture?

published on 15 August 2022

Microservices and monolithic software architectures are both approaches for building software applications. In a microservices architecture, an application comprises small, independent services that communicate with each other over well-defined APIs. A monolithic architecture, on the other hand, builds an entire application as a single, self-contained unit.

There are several key differences between these two approaches. First, microservices are designed to be modular and scalable, while monolithic architectures are not. This means that it is much easier to add new features or scale up a microservices-based application than it is to do so with a monolithic one.

Second, microservices tend to be more loosely coupled than monolithic applications. This means that they are easier to develop and deploy independently of each other. This can lead to faster development cycles and more flexible deployments.

Third, microservices are typically built using different technology stacks than monolithic applications. This allows for greater flexibility in the choice of technologies used to build each service.

Finally, microservices tend to be easier to test and Debug because each service can be tested and debugged independently of the others. This is not the case with monolithic architectures, where the entire application must be tested and debugged as a whole.

Microservice Software Architecture Example
Microservice Software Architecture Example

Microservices have many advantages over monolithic architectures. However, they also come with some challenges. One challenge is that it can be difficult to manage many small services. Another challenge is that microservices can introduce complexity into an application.

Despite these challenges, microservices are becoming increasingly popular to build software applications. This is because they offer several benefits that outweigh the challenges. These benefits include greater flexibility, faster development cycles, and easier testing and debugging. As a result, microservices are a good choice for many types of applications.

Why Microservices Make Sense for Your Business

Technological Freedom

Microservices aren't structured in a "one-size-fits-all" manner. Teams have the flexibility to select the best technology for their unique challenges. As a result, microservice development teams may pick the finest tool for each function.


Microservices encourage an organization of small, autonomous teams to own and operate their services. Teams operate in a confined and well-understood environment with greater autonomy and speed. Development cycle times are shortened as a result. You get a lot out of the company's overall performance.

Reusability of Code

Teams may create more flexible and adaptable applications by dividing software into small, well-defined components. Functions can be used for various purposes because they are divided into smaller parts. Developers can utilize features as building blocks to construct new capabilities without writing code from the ground up.


Service independence enhances an application's resistance to failure. A single component in a monolithic architecture may bring the entire system down. Apps that use microservices degrade functionality rather than crashing the whole application in case of a service outage.

Flexible Scaling

Microservices empower each service to be scaled according to the demand for the feature it supports, allowing teams to accurately assess infrastructure expenditures and maintain availability if a service experiences an increase in demand.

Easy Deployment

Microservices allow for rapid development and testing of new ideas and easy rollback if something goes wrong. The low cost of failure allows for experimentation and easier code updates, which improves the time to market for new features.

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