Vue 3 and Tailwind Starter Templates for 2023

published on 26 December 2022

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications, and Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to build custom designs without writing a lot of CSS. Combining the two can be a powerful tool for building fast and responsive web apps, and there are several open source Vue 3 and Tailwind based starter templates available on GitHub that can help you get started.

  1. Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS Starter Template This starter template combines Vue 3 with Tailwind CSS and includes support for PWA (Progressive Web Apps) and SSR (Server-Side Rendering). It also includes a configuration for ESLint and Prettier to help keep your code clean and consistent.
  2. Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS + Nuxt.js + TypeScript Starter Template This starter template combines Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Nuxt.js, and TypeScript. Nuxt.js is a framework for building universal Vue.js applications, and TypeScript is a popular typed superset of JavaScript. The template also includes support for PWA and SSR, as well as configurations for Jest and ESLint/Prettier.
  3. Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS + Laravel Starter Template This starter template combines Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, and Laravel, a popular PHP framework. It includes a configuration for Laravel Mix, a build tool that simplifies asset compilation, and also supports PWA and SSR.
  4. Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS + Firebase Starter Template This starter template combines Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase, a cloud-based platform for building web and mobile applications. It includes a configuration for Firebase authentication and real-time database, and also supports PWA and SSR.
  5. Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS + Express.js Starter Template This starter template combines Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, and Express.js, a popular JavaScript server-side framework. It includes a configuration for Webpack and Babel, and also supports PWA and SSR.

These are just a few open source Vue 3 and Tailwind based starter templates available on GitHub. No matter which one you choose, they can all help you get started quickly with building web applications using Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS.

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