How to use the OpenAI Chat API in Golang

published on 22 December 2022

Golang is a popular programming language known for its simplicity, performance, and concurrency. It is often used for building web applications, and several tools are available for integrating with APIs. This blog post will discuss how to use the OpenAI Chat API in Golang.

To use the OpenAI Chat API in Golang, you must obtain an API key from the OpenAI Developer Portal. Once you have an API key, you can use the following steps to make requests to the API:

  1. First, install the go-openai library using go get:
go get
  1. Import the go-openai library and the net/http library in your Golang code:
import (
  1. Initialize a client using your API key:
client := openai.NewClient("your-api-key")
  1. Make a request to the Chat API using the PostCompletion method:
prompt := "What is the capital of France?"
model := "text-davinci-002"
maxTokens := 64

response, err := client.Completion.Create(prompt, model, maxTokens)
if err != nil {

completedText := response.Choices[0].Text
fmt.Println(completedText)  // Output: "Paris"
  1. You can also make requests to the Chat API using the net/http library directly. For example, the following code makes a request to the /conversations/create endpoint:
apiKey := "your-api-key"
model := "text-davinci-002"
prompt := "What is the capital of France?"

url := ""

client := &http.Client{}

req, err := http.NewRequest("POST

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